Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sex, Drugs & Kidney Stones

OK. So there wasn't any sex involved last weekend but I did partake in a stupid mix of alcohol and (legally prescribed) pills that had me puking my guts out by 11:30pm Friday night. Seemed kind of strange since I had not drank that much and I've rarely ever puked from drinking anyway. I got dropped back off at my buddy Chris' new place to crash out while they went back out to party some more. Still felt crappy the next morning, but I had to get up at a decent hour and go over to my cousin Stephanie's house in time to meet with grandmother who was visiting for the weekend. Spent all of Saturday just hanging-out with the family and playing with all my little nieces and nephews and boy can they wear me out. So then I wake up Sunday morning and it was like The Exorcist, fluids coming out of every pore possible and excruciating pain. Tea colored urine - Check, Feels like an anvil is on your bladder - Check. G-Damn kidney stones have returned. It had been a while since my last kidney stone attack and this was another whopper but I made it through the toughest parts without any pain meds and by late afternoon I could tell there were not anymore coming, so I was able to lie down and rest. I'm thinking that Friday night's episode of sickness was just a precursor to the stones and not fully a bi product of drinking, smoking and pill-popping, although I'm sure that didn't help. I'm going to take it easy this week and drink a lot of cranberry juice(no vodka).

Now how awesome was Josh Hamilton at the Home Run Derby last night? Totally friggin' super awesome if you ask me! Sure he didn't end up winning but he put on a show of shows with 28 first rounds homers that averaged 500 feet per. It's his performance last night and his play all season long so far to go along with his personal backstory (former heroin addict out of baseball for 3 years makes a triumphant comeback) that people are going to remember. The All-Star game is tonight. I think the AL has won something like 11 consecutive, not counting the "tie game" from a few years ago. I'm more excited about the second half of the season getting started as the Rangers might be able to make a run at a Division Title or even the Wild Card.

I should mention that I'm only able to post this right now because I am in the middle of a "moment of clarity" in a day that has seen me on the edge of a full-blown panic attack and I'm worried tomorrow will even be worse. I am so completely stupid for not taking the day off. I have no idea if my parents have plans to do anything in particular. I know I don't want to be alone after I get off of work tomorrow around lunch time so I have to find something to do. Visiting an Air Force recruiter is one possibility. I wish The Dark Knight was coming out tomorrow and not Friday.

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