Monday : It's a Monday. A Monday after a Holiday weekend. It sucked as much as you would expect it to.
Tuesday : Would have been my late brother's 25th birthday. Sucked as much as you would expect it to.
Wednesday : Rented my tuxedo for a friend's upcoming wedding, in which I am an usher. It's a nice enough Tuxedo but I really need lose weight. I feel like a sea lion, especially after watching Daniel Craig in Quantum of Solace just the week before.
Thursday : Wake-up at 3am with excruciating pain, nausea and gas. It continues throughout the day and the symptoms are familiar to me. Another kidney stone attack. See the doctor and get the confirmation. Now it's time to load up on medication that makes me feel loopy and not in the good way and then just wait and see whether or I'll pass the stone or if it'll just go away.
Friday : Wake-up at 3:30am with even more excruciating pain and nausea. Still waiting and seeing. On the way to work the illness and loopiness aide in me getting into a fender bender that luckily does not cause any bodily harm to the person I rear-ended nor even any damage to their car. Me on the other hand, not so lucky. Upon impact I bumped my head on the steering wheel and got a little bit of whiplash, then I get out of the car to find my bumper and hood all twisted up. Just cosmetic damage, but something I don't need right now nonetheless.
Finally arrive at work and it's a usual busy and frantic morning, followed by a not so usual busy afternoon as I had to cover for two other co-workers who were out of the office and all of the stress, illness and other shit going on I end up snapping at a patient, who even now as I look back with hindsight had it coming because he's always been a prick and deserves to be put in his place even if it causes me to get into a lot of trouble at work.
I'm out of the door at 5pm sharp and head to dress/tech rehearsal and it goes not so well. It's a popular belief that bad dress rehearsals mean a good opening night. I've never believed that. But I'm going to have faith anyway that the show will go on and will go well.
All this and I didn't even get to watch the Victoria's Secret Lingerie Fashion Show. Not that television would do it any justice anyway, but it would be a nice distraction with the daily Murphy's Law my life seems to be right now.
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