Friday, October 10, 2008

No Baby Daddy for this Shark

Take a gander at this story.

I don’t know why but that story is freaking me out. As fascinating as it is there’s something scary about it too. Sharks are such complex and intriguing animals. They have been around since the pre-historic times and have not had to evolve much to survive. The constant “top of the food chain” in the ocean that scientists have studied whether or not things in their DNA would be helpful in curing disease and pro-longing life in humans.

It’s not just sharks though, what if other types of animals begins to adapt to asexual reproduction: Birds, rodents, reptiles, monkeys? Hell, if monkeys can do it then it’s only a short step away from humans being able to do it as well. That sure blows cloning out of the water. I guess it would be most likely in any of these scenarios that the females of the species would be the first to adapt to asexual reproduction, but eventually males would have to be able to adapt or perish. Maybe that’s what is freaking me out. Imagine that; Mother earth no longer needing anymore fathers. Mother and father become one. Does this mean the end of masculine traits in all species? Or does a hybrid of both feminine and masculine occur. It’s wild.

Of course this is all assuming we don’t just blow-up the entire world with nuclear weapons or destroy the planet with pollution and the man-made acceleration of global warming first. Just a thought.

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